Sigmolink company
The company was founded by Dr. Vahid. K. Alilou with the aim of developing intelligent and automation systems.
The basic version of the software provided by Sigmolink Institute is completely free and aims to serve our dear compatriots.
You can also download most of the training courses provided by this institution for free.
The basic version of the software provided by Sigmolink Institute is completely free and aims to serve our dear compatriots.
You can also download most of the training courses provided by this institution for free.
Our Goal
Our goal is to promote knowledge and technology and provide knowledge-based services to economic enterprises active in all parts of the world.
Promotion of knowledge
Information technology increases the possibility of sharing knowledge between individuals and organizations. Knowledge sharing makes explicit and implicit knowledge available and leads to innovation and performance improvement in industries and organizations.
Improve productivity
The software can reduce the time, cost and energy needed to do the work, and as a result, the quality of products and services can be improved.
Reduce human errors
Software can replace or complement human functions. For example, process control software can monitor, adjust, and alert critical parameters. It can also predict and prevent possible errors.
Development of technology
With software development, industrial processes can be automated, optimized and improved. The software can collect, process, analyze and convert industrial data into usable information.
Balanced progress
Information technology plays an important role in the balanced development of industries. Information technology can help increase efficiency, improve quality, reduce costs, improve competitiveness and create added value in industries.
Increase accuracy
The software can help solve industrial problems and challenges by using optimization algorithms and methods. It can also perform complex and repetitive operations automatically and quickly. The result of these processes is an increase in precision and elegance.
Providing knowledge-based services
The development of information technology can stimulate and support creativity and innovation in the production of knowledge-based services. Technological systems and methods can help solve problems, provide new products and services, and improve efficiency. It can also expand and develop the market and customers of knowledge-based services.
Increasing competitiveness
By using information technology, it is possible to reach new markets, provide new products and services tailored to the needs of customers, increase the speed and efficiency of production, and strengthen the brand name.
The software can be used to communicate with industrial automation hardware such as PLC, CNC, robots, sensors and instruments. For example, industrial automation software can program, adjust, test and troubleshoot these hardwares and collect and display the resulting data. The software can also be used to improve the performance and efficiency of industrial automation systems.